We have all read the ads for the latest "Get Rich Quick" program, promising great wealth in a short amount of time with little or No effort. I am sure you have read ads like this plastered all over the internet.
"Make $30,000 in 30 days - guaranteed - with this system!"
"Work just one hour a week and make $20,000 a month - Guaranteed!"
This sounds great and the owners of these get rich quick sites are laughing all the way to the bank. The sad thing is they play on people's hopes and fears. The prey on people that are in a financial crisis, people that need to make lots of money in a short period of time.
The internet has become full of these get rich quick predators! So much so, that internet marketing has been given a blanket reputation of being a scam. The facts are that the internet is full of legitimate opportunities, despite the work of the online jackals.
If you are someone looking for an internet business opportunity that is legitimate I have some tips on how you can smell out the rat and find a real opportunity!
Below is a list of tips to keep in mind when looking for the right internet business opportunity:
1. The old saying, "If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.", is still relevant when it comes to making a business decision. In order to make money you have to work for it, there is not a real wealth building system on the internet that will allow you to go from internet novice to making a five-figure-per-month income in 30 days or less.
2. It is probably a scam if there is not a real-tangible product or service related to the business.
3. Stay away from all chain letters or anything that requests you to put your name on a list, send someone on the list money, and redistribute the mailer in return for the chance to make money. That is not only a scam it is illegal!
4. Stay away from companies that emphasize recruiting new members into the company more than product sales.
5. Make sure the company has a customer service department that can be contacted and one that replies to their customers in a timely manner.
6. Make sure the company has contact information posted on their web site. Most scammers do not want you to have a way to contact them.
7. Do a Whois search to see who owns the business and where they are located.
8. Think scam if they repeatedly tell you that this business opportunity is perfectly legal. If it is legal you shouldn't have to tell potential customers.
Some internet business opportunities I would stay away from:
1. HYIP's or High Yield Investment Programs - I have to admit there are some investment programs on the internet that are legit. The HYIP's to avoid is anything that promises or guarantees a huge return on investment in a short period of time. Some of the ones online claim to return 1000, 2000, even 3000%, pure B.S.
2. Money Doublers and Matrixes - These sound great but they constantly depend on getting new people into the business. Many of them are here one day and gone the next.
3. Any program that requires you to put your name on a list, send money to the first person on the list, and then mail the list out to X number of people.
4. Any MLM or Direct Marketing company that does not offer a real product or does not emphasize product sales. If all your recruiter talks about is recruiting more people then run!
You can educate yourself and stop being scammed by the get rich quick tricksters! Just remember to not make spontaneous purchases, research your potential internet business opportunity, and keep in mind that "if it sound too good to be true, then it probably isn't".
The internet is full of legitimate business opportunities that can provide a full-time income, even great wealth. If you are looking for a REAL internet business take a look at these great sites:
Stop being scammed and find a viable Internet Business Opportunity.
Fire the boss and find the Best Home Based Business for you.
Most successful internet businesses are built around niche markets and they provide real products and services to that market. Providing quality information products to a specific niche is a great way to make money on the internet!
Selling information is the most profitable enterprise on the internet!
The Secret formula to profiting on the internet is summarized below:
A viable internet business opportunity is built around identifying a profitable niche, then building a useful and informative web site around that niche. Finally, it only becomes profitable when you can successfully send targeted traffic to that site and convert them into paying customers.
The above paragraph is the SECRET to making money on the internet with your own web site. Any system that tries to teach you any different is more than likely a scam!
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