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Thursday, March 16, 2006


Petua Ringan Jodoh
Hendaklah dibacakan Surah Yusuf pada sebekas air yang bersih sebanyak 3
kali pada malam Jumaat. Air itu hendaklah dimandi pada 3 pagi berturut2 dan
diminum 7 kali setiap hari 3 hari berturut. Wallahu'a'lam.

Penawar Resdung
Amalkan menyedut air ke dalam hidung. Kemudian picit sebelah hidung dan
hembuskan sekuat hat. Buatlah berulang-ulang kali sehingga selesai
kedua-duanya. Selepas itu basuhlah muka dengan bersih. Lakukan ini setiap
kali setelah sapai ke satu2 destinasi, pejabat, bersantai, riadah atau
pulang ke rumah, malah ke mana saja.

Melicin dan Memerahkan Kulit Muka
Ambil sebiji buah tomato masak, lecek hingga halus. Kemudian pupurkan
diseluruh muka. Biarkan mengering selama 20 minit. Bilas dgn air bersih.
Amalkan seminggu 2/3 kali.

Menegangkan Kulit Muka
Ambil tepung ubi kayu dan ment! imun. Timun hendaklah disagat/parut halus
terlebih dahulu. Kemudain campurkan kedua-dua bahan dgn sedikit air. Kacau
rata dan jgn terlalu cair. Kemudian sapu di muka dan biarkan ia kering.
Kemudian basuh. Dgn cara ini ia dpt menegangkan kulit muka serta
menampakkan keputihan di muka dan menjadikan kulit segar.

Menyerikan Wajah
Wanita yg menginginkan wajahnya sentiasa berseri apabila dipandang,
bolehlah mengamakkan amalan di setiap pagi iaiu selawat ke atas nabi saw
sbyk 3x seblm mencuci muka dan sapukan air ke muka. Insyaallah..

Menghilangkan Bau Badan
Potongkan limau kasturi dan buangkan bijinya. Kemudian makanlah kulit limau
kasturi itu bersama airnya. Amalkan selalu.

Awet Muda
Semasa berdandan di waktu pagi, baca selawat nabi saw di kedua tapak tangan
dan usapkan/raupkan ke muka beserta niat dalam hati supaya diindahkan
seperti Nabi Yusuf.

Merawat S! enggugut
Ambil segenggam halia dan tumbuk lumat. Masukkan ke dalam segelas air suam.
Apabila halia dan mendap, barulah diminum dgn dimulai selawat nabi saw.
Insyaallah mujarab.

Kulit Cerah dan Licin
Ambil sebiji limau nipis dan dibelah 2. Semasa mandi, gosokkan pada muka
dan seluruh badan. Insyaallah selain cerah, akan harum.

Rambut Lebat
Setelah selesai makan, basuh tangan dgn air sehingga bersih. Selawat 3x
tangan yang yg masih basah segera dilapkan atas rambut. Wa''ahua'alam.

@ ambil daun lidah buaya, belah dua. Sapukan lendir dari dlm daun lidah
buaya itu pada kulit kepala. Anda akan rasa sejuk. Sapu rata2 seluruh kulit
kepala. Biarkan seketika sebelum mencuci rambut seperti biasa. Amalkan
selalu.. insyaallah, akan lebat dan hitam.

Mengempiskan Perut

Ambil air limau nipis dan campurkan dgn kapur sirih. Sebatikan lalu
dis! apukan pada perut kemudian ikat perut seperti perempuan yg dalam pantang
(berbengkung). Jika tidak mahu bengkung, lumurkan atau sapu dekat perut
saja.. amalkan setiap malam.
Ambil air asam jawa dan garam, dibancuh dgn segelas air panas. Embunkan
semalaman. esok paginya minum air tersebut sebelum membasuh muka atau
membuang air kecil.

Menyegarkan Mata
Ambil timun yg telah dihiris agak tipis. tekapkan pada kelopak mata.
Pejamkan mata untuk beberapaketika. Anda akan berasa kesegarannya selepas

Melangsingkan Tubuh
2 biji libak merak dan sebiji timun diparut dan diperah airnya. Campur dgn
sebiji air limau nipis dan bancuh hingga sebati. Minum 2x sehari. Amalkan
sehingga berat badan ideal.

Menghilangkan parut dimuka
Tumbuk kulit kayu manis hingga lumat. Campurkan serbuk td dgn sedikit air.
Bancuhkan bersama bedak sejuk. Setelah sebati, sap! u rata di bahagian parut.
Amalkan sekerap mungkin, insyaallah parut akan beransur hilang.

@ Kulit pisang yg masih baru (lepas makan pisang terus guna), gosok2kan
bahagian dalam kulit pisang pada kulit berparut. Gosok hingga kulit pisang
agak lecur. Biar kering seketika sebelum basuh dgn air biasa. Amalkan
sekerap mungkin, insyaallah parut akan beransur hilang.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Real Life Strategies for High Yield Investor

It's about how to really take control of the online investment structure and how to profit from High Yield and sometimes High Risk investments, especially when you are dealing in FOREX vs. e-Gold. Fiat money vs. Receipt money. Well first off you quite simply have to believe in yourself and realize that there are significantly more opportunities open to you than you had previously thought. By making your money work smarter not harder, you can take control... and manipulate the market, rather than the market manipulating you. For example a ditch digger works just as hard if not harder than anyone else on this planet, but this does not make him a rich man. By all means dig ditches with your hands, but not with your money! FOREX is Fiat money, currencies, money that is declared legal tender by the various governments of the world. The pairs can be traded against each other for profit, fluctuations are dependant on a number of factors including GDP and central bank interest rates. e-Gold is Receipt Money, rather than being backed by the economic structure of any one nation... it is backed by solid gold in reserve. For this reason the value of Receipt Money is seen as more stable. By trading not only various currency pairs against each other and hedging investments on the Foreign Currency Exchange (FOREX), we Forexperts are taking advantage of a new liquidity, that of e-Gold and other electronic receipt backed currencies. Always remember that Hedging your risk, taking into account a multitude of factors and thinking outside the box are all signs that your money is working smarter not harder.

Don't Ignore Your Advantages

What are my advantages? First of all if you are here reading this it is because you are on the ground floor of something new. High Yield Investment Programs often touted as hyip's and long the domain of scammers and con-artist.. This controversial investment strategy is making great strides, showing true sustainable and reliable results. Belief among financial experts is that if this trend continues Offshore based HYIP's may soon become a mainstream financial tool. Once again, traditional markets have failed to keep pace with online markets due to the slower speed and associated costs of the traditional trading structure. As it exists right now, Offshore HYIP's is an industry of limitless possibilities. Nowhere else is an investor offered such global choice. Global competition is a factor in producing the rock bottom minimum spend options and above average returns, we are currently experiencing. Often costing no more than a single US dollar to gain entrance to a private club offering up to 500% returns. A situation that before the advent of the internet would be unfathomable. Nowhere else is such wealth accessible to so many people. Nowhere else do investment companies face such competition for customers as in the Offshore HYIP industry.

Take Control

With these advantages comes an obligation. You must take control. Take stock of your assets, are they currently enough to meet your short-term, and long-term goals. Personal financial management is about more than simply seeking out the best and newest opportunities. It's about creating a viable plan and sticking with it. If you don't have a plan, start today. Write one down now, what is your current online net-worth? How would you like to see that change in one year? How about in ten? Once you look beyond the moment to the big picture everything becomes clearer. See the full span of the market, and understand that every admin and investor is an external player to your game plan.


The need to diversify is an inherent characteristic of any lucrative market. Nowhere is this need more poignant than in the HYIP industry. The need for diversity in this market is based on multiple conditions. As such one should have multiple layers of diversity worked into their investments. At the bottom of this investment scheme factor new investments. These are investments made with companies or individuals with whom the investor (you) does not have a long standing relationship. Forget how long it has been servicing clients in the past, because this is ABSOLUTELY no indication for how long they intend on servicing clients in the future. These investments should be numerous but total dollar investments in this category low. The purpose of this is to obtain new leads within the industry without overextending oneself. In the middle of this investment scheme factor, sites that are known to be paying reasonable rate of returns. These returns should be enough to allow for both spending in the bottom category and profit for oneself. At the top of this investment scheme factor offshore firms and trusts with which the investor is comfortable doing several large transactions on a daily, weekly or monthly to yearly basis depending on holding times, return rates, and global developments. Together these three categories you have created... build a solid money tower which can then be manipulated by you the investor, for personal benefit without outside interference. Whether you choose to follow this investment strategy or your own it is important to remember diversity above all. To hedge one's bets is necessary given the uncertainties of life.

Contribute Often

Can I afford to? Do I have the resources and experience? These are questions that come up in any discussion about personal investments. The important thing to remember in this situation is to stick by your plan. Plan to contribute often but not to overextend yourself. It is better to participate everyday with one dollar than to periodically dump large amounts into a single opportunity. You do not need to have financial expertise to limit yourself from all elements of greed and emotional interpretation of profits or returns. It does however take a lot of discipline and self control, both of which can be strengthened with experience and time. We utilize the most sophisticated hardware and trend analysis software to help us observe the real market as it acts in nature, instead of how we wish it to behave. Most often it just takes a piece of paper and forming a "TOP VIEW" of your portfolio assets and the big picture at hand. As you become more experienced in molding your strategic portfolio, you can begin to strive for more and more each day, without worrying about starting from square one like in the past....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Finally, the Secrets of the "Get Rich Quick" Scams are Revealed. - Mark Williams ©

We have all read the ads for the latest "Get Rich Quick" program, promising great wealth in a short amount of time with little or No effort. I am sure you have read ads like this plastered all over the internet.

"Make $30,000 in 30 days - guaranteed - with this system!"

"Work just one hour a week and make $20,000 a month - Guaranteed!"

This sounds great and the owners of these get rich quick sites are laughing all the way to the bank. The sad thing is they play on people's hopes and fears. The prey on people that are in a financial crisis, people that need to make lots of money in a short period of time.

The internet has become full of these get rich quick predators! So much so, that internet marketing has been given a blanket reputation of being a scam. The facts are that the internet is full of legitimate opportunities, despite the work of the online jackals.

If you are someone looking for an internet business opportunity that is legitimate I have some tips on how you can smell out the rat and find a real opportunity!

Below is a list of tips to keep in mind when looking for the right internet business opportunity:

1. The old saying, "If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.", is still relevant when it comes to making a business decision. In order to make money you have to work for it, there is not a real wealth building system on the internet that will allow you to go from internet novice to making a five-figure-per-month income in 30 days or less.

2. It is probably a scam if there is not a real-tangible product or service related to the business.

3. Stay away from all chain letters or anything that requests you to put your name on a list, send someone on the list money, and redistribute the mailer in return for the chance to make money. That is not only a scam it is illegal!

4. Stay away from companies that emphasize recruiting new members into the company more than product sales.

5. Make sure the company has a customer service department that can be contacted and one that replies to their customers in a timely manner.

6. Make sure the company has contact information posted on their web site. Most scammers do not want you to have a way to contact them.

7. Do a Whois search to see who owns the business and where they are located.

8. Think scam if they repeatedly tell you that this business opportunity is perfectly legal. If it is legal you shouldn't have to tell potential customers.

Some internet business opportunities I would stay away from:

1. HYIP's or High Yield Investment Programs - I have to admit there are some investment programs on the internet that are legit. The HYIP's to avoid is anything that promises or guarantees a huge return on investment in a short period of time. Some of the ones online claim to return 1000, 2000, even 3000%, pure B.S.

2. Money Doublers and Matrixes - These sound great but they constantly depend on getting new people into the business. Many of them are here one day and gone the next.

3. Any program that requires you to put your name on a list, send money to the first person on the list, and then mail the list out to X number of people.

4. Any MLM or Direct Marketing company that does not offer a real product or does not emphasize product sales. If all your recruiter talks about is recruiting more people then run!

You can educate yourself and stop being scammed by the get rich quick tricksters! Just remember to not make spontaneous purchases, research your potential internet business opportunity, and keep in mind that "if it sound too good to be true, then it probably isn't".

The internet is full of legitimate business opportunities that can provide a full-time income, even great wealth. If you are looking for a REAL internet business take a look at these great sites:

Stop being scammed and find a viable Internet Business Opportunity.

Fire the boss and find the Best Home Based Business for you.

Most successful internet businesses are built around niche markets and they provide real products and services to that market. Providing quality information products to a specific niche is a great way to make money on the internet!

Selling information is the most profitable enterprise on the internet!

The Secret formula to profiting on the internet is summarized below:

A viable internet business opportunity is built around identifying a profitable niche, then building a useful and informative web site around that niche. Finally, it only becomes profitable when you can successfully send targeted traffic to that site and convert them into paying customers.

The above paragraph is the SECRET to making money on the internet with your own web site. Any system that tries to teach you any different is more than likely a scam!